We have arranged special rates with Chisinau car hire companies to give you the best deal available. We offer car, van & minibus rental. We have complete range of cars from cheap economy options to luxury range.
Public transport in Chisinau is well organized and is provided by busses, trolley-busses, and mini-busses, that run at an interval of about 15 min, from 5.00 am till 24.00.
Taxis are available in front of hotels, restaurants, on streets, and parking places. To call a taxi one can dial 1400, 1405, 1406, 1407 or 1408.
Many people at Chisinau preffer travelling by Mini-buses, which are available anywhere and you can use them also for trips to ouside of Chisinau. They are cheap and reliable. When you arive to chisinau try to use one of them to get you to the centre, you can meet some people in there and it is much cheaper than a taxi, you can use also foreign currency to pay for it.
If you want to rent a car try:
Address in Chisinau:
str. Alexei Mateevici, 79
Chisinau, Republica Moldova
Car rental office:
Tel/Fax : +(373 22) 243 710
GSM: +(373 69) 968 450
GSM: +(373 79) 060 697